
孤雲玉傷魂,落荒逃無處,奇夢無力魁, 我把月缸下九逍,奇玉無力久六龜,

2017年1月25日 星期三

smoke and fog

“Well, I have to admit, we’ve never installed a pyrotechnics system in a church before,” said the incredulous engineer, taking a legal pad out of his messenger bag. “So I guess I don’t know what exactly it is you have in mind. You’re using this for drama, I know, so I’m guessing you’re going to want smoke and fog?”


2.怎麼可能繳少領多? 物超所值, 肯定是領不回來.
4.公務員效率差, 又領那麼多, 勞工繳的都被拿走了?
5.最後一隻老鼠是誰? 不懂法律的, 還是沒辦法官商勾結的?
6.噁心的制度, 一堆撈錢的政府官員.